MedeMass (Pty) Ltd Disclaimer General tariff disclaimer
MedeMass (Pty) Ltd provides all users of Mastermed, MedeMass+ and Elixir, at no additional cost, tariff price updates as have been made available to us by medical schemes. This process involved actively collecting information from medical schemes in numerous electronic formats. These tariffs and prices are assimilated into a database which, via the Med-e-Cloud Tariff Service, is delivered automatically to any computers running the Med-e-Cloud Tariff Service application. Considerable care, time and effort has been invested in capturing and testing the tariff codes and prices to ensure that they are accurate. Your use of the supplied tariff codes and prices implies implicitly that you agree to the terms of this disclaimer. This disclaimer pertains to any user of the abovementioned software application and the companies or individuals that they represent (as an employee, consultant or service provider). If you are using the abovementioned applications on behalf of a company or individual, you are deemed to be acting as a proxy and on behalf of the company or individual whom are subject to the same disclaimer.
Tariff price disclaimer
1. The provided tariff codes, tariff pricing and payment arrangements are provided as is and are based entirely on information provided to us by medical schemes.
2. Some schemes provide detailed price lists and others only provide percentage mark-ups. For percentage increases, a calculation is done to determine the updated price based on the previous year’s price.
3. We can only supply tariff pricing for payment arrangements that have been made available to us. Some schemes are not prepared to provide all arrangements information and may have customized contracts that we are not aware of and that deviate from publicly know contracts.
4. It remains your responsibility to ensure that the correct prices have been charged according to any documentation or pricing that you have received from the medical scheme
Payment arrangement mapping disclaimer
1. Payment arrangement mapping is provided as is and is based on the known contracts supplied to us by medical schemes.
2. Available contracts that have not been made available to us cannot be offered as options for mapping purposes.
3. Mapping is based on the selection of a contract and it remains your responsibility to select the correct contract as per your agreement with the medical scheme.
4. Even after selecting the contract, it remains your responsibility to check that the mapping of medical schemes to payment arrangements are correct If you, for any reason mentioned here or otherwise, don not find the tariff codes, pricing and payment arrangement mappings made available via the Med-e Cloud Tariff service suitable for your needs, you are in no way forced to use them and can capture the appropriate prices directly into your practice management application via existing functionality provided in the application. If you are uncertain how to do this, kindly contact the MedeMass call centre for assistance.